Aims and Scope |
Chemical Bulletin of „POLITEHNICA” University of Timisoara is an open access international peer-reviewed journal, dedicated to publishing original theoretical and applicative research results, as well as overviews on the current research status in CHEMISTRY, APPLIED CHEMISTRY, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, and ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING.
The Bulletin is published with a periodicity of two issues per year by Editura Politehnica (Timisoara) for The Faculty of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, „Politehnica” University of Timisoara, in both electronic and printed format. Subscription prices for the printed journal are available from the Publisher.
The access to publication of research results is open to researchers all over the world. The Editorial Board encourages also the submission of papers authored by young researchers, Master or PhD students. The Bulletin invites and accepts papers presented in the framework of congresses, symposia and workshops, carefully selected by the Program Committees of these scientific meetings, but only in conditions of avoiding copyright problems. Such papers have to be subject of the normal review procedure in order to be accepted for publication. Review articles are also published, but prospective authors should obtain preliminary agreement of the Editorial Board. All accepted papers are published in the order set by the Editorial Board, but not later then 6 months after the acceptance.
Abstracted/indexed in |
Index Copernicus,
Directory of Open Access Journals,
Electronic Journals Library,
Chemical Abstracts Plus,
Ulrich’s Periodicals
Latest Issue |
Volume 61(75), Issue 2, 2016 - Chem. Bull. `POLITEHNICA` Univ. (Timisoara) |
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