The purpose of the studies presented in the paper was to estimate the possibility of bio-remediation of zinc polluted soils from mining areas, using the bio-accumulation in plants. Zinc is a very important micro-nutrient for plant nutrition. The samples of soil were treated with various amounts of Zn2+ and analyzed in order to determine the total content of zinc and the content of zinc assimilable by plants. The soil was used to cultivate barley for 48 days. The plants were kept in the same conditions and biometric measurements were made. After harvesting, the plants were analyzed in order to determine the zinc content of various plant parts (roots, leaves) and its influence of the accumulation of other micro and macro-nutrients such as: iron, copper, manganese, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium and phosphorus. The zinc content of the plants increases as the total zinc content of the soil increases and zinc accumulates as much in the leaves as in the roots of the plants. That proves that barley can be used for bio-remediation of zinc polluted soils from mining areas. We also found that the accumulation of zinc has a negative effect on the accumulation of other micro and macro-nutrients; the content in the plants of other studied elements decreases as the content in zinc increases.
polluted soils, bio-remediation, zinc, micro-nutrients, macro-nutrients
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