The necessity of storing carbonated beverages in more practical and lighter bottles has come to the replacement of the more
traditional glass with the new PET (polyethylene terephthalate). Along with this change new problems have appeared regarding
preservations of the beverage’s qualities and the sensorial standard of quality. In this study is analysed the variation of carbon dioxide in
certain carbonated beverages stored in polyethylene terephthalate bottles. The possibilities of obtaining mathematical statistical models
have been analysed basis on the experimental data in order to predict the variation of the CO2 inside the samples as a function of volume
and time. Another concern of this study was the CO2’s losses starting from the bottling process as well as a comparative average
analysis of products proportioning with CO2 and its loss for three types of concurrent carbonated beverages existing on the market. The
obtained results allowed the analyses of the optimal term of validity in accordance with the bottle’s volume. In the mean time the
obtained results contributed to the improvement of the carbonated beverage’s quality allowing the obtaining of a complete beverage.
Carbonated soft drinks, carbon dioxide, PET bottles, mathematical modeling
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