Water pollution is considered to be a direct or indirect change of its natural composition, as a result of the human activities. The pollutants cause due to their nature, concentration and their time of action, noxious effects on the health, create discomfort or deteriorate the various uses of the environment. Having in mind the special problem of the pollution of waters with ammonium and phosphate ions, the study of the possibilities of their removal represents a special problem regarding the environmental protection. In this paper we studied the possibilities of ammonium and phosphate removal from waters through precipitation using the Jar-Test method. As precipitation agent it was used the MgSO4 with a concentration of 100 mg/L. For the establishment of the optimum conditions of ammonium and phosphate removal from water we worked at various initial concentrations of ammonium and phosphate ions from water, at various Mg2+:NH4+:PO43− molar ratios and at various values of the pH of the reaction mass.
ammonium ions, phosphate ions, removal, precipitation
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