Seven water samples were collected from different springs located in Ocna Mures area, Romania. The physicochemical
(pH, chlorides, hardness, acidity and alkalinity) and microbiological (aerobic bacteria, coliform bacteria,
Escherichia coli and enterococci) parameters of waters were measured. The quality of water from Banta spring, which
was found to be the most polluted source from bacteriological point of view, was monitored for a period of three years.
The parameters measured were: total number of germs, E. coli, enterococci, pH, nitrate, nitrite and ammonium ions. The
results obtained surpass the permissible values establish for potable water, especially for microbiological parameters,
which indicates a poor hygienic quality of drinking water and allow the identification of possible contamination sources.
spring water, microbial and physico-chemical analysis, quality, Ocna Mures area
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