This study aimed to enhance the removal of humic acids as major part of natural organic matter (NOM) from surface water using TiO2 – modified zeolite (TMZ) suspension. Two types of TMZ granulations were tested, i.e., 315-500 μm and zeolite – powder, which were synthesized by sol-gel method. TMZ materials were characterized by SEM-EDAX and XRD. Their application by Jar-test experiments showed the enhanced efficiency of coagulation related to NOM removal. The concentration of NOM before and after TMZ application was determined as UV254 absorbance and non-purgeable organic carbon (NPOC) parameter. Versus simple coagulation, NOM removal was improved with 23.3-47.5 % as NPOC parameter, and with 69.6-74.2 % as UV254 absorbance, function of type of material and applied method.
natural organic matter, zeolite, TiO2, photocatalytic oxidation process
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