Volume 50(64), Item 1 - 2, 2005 - Chem. Bull. `POLITEHNICA` Univ. (Timisoara) |
1. Skeleton Nickel Electrodes for Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells Authors: N. Duteanu, N. Vaszilcsin, Andrea Kellenberger, M. Dan, Maria Barbatei
2. Electrochemical Assessment of Amperometric Oxidability Level in Water Pollution Monitoring Authors: Florica Manea, Ciprian Radovan, Ilie Vlaicu
3. Application of Emulsion Liquid Membrane Technique for MB R 12 Red Reactive Dye-Containing Simulated Wastewater Treatment Authors: S. Masu, D. Botau and F. Manea
4. E-tools for Education and Research in Chemical Engineering Authors: V.M. Cristea, A. Imre-Lucaci, Z.K. Nagy and S.P. Agachi
5. Studies Regarding the Variation of Carbon Dioxide in Certain Carbonated Beverages Stored in Polyethylene Terephthalate Bottles Authors: Mirel Glevitzky, Gabriela-Alina Brusturean, Delia Perju, Gheorghe Laslau, Loredana Matyas
6. Considerations Regarding the Improvement of the Heat Boundary Layer Flowmeter Performances Authors: M. Suta, Delia Perju, R.C. Moldovan, Mirela Nicoleta Calisevici
7. Experimental Study and Modelling of the Ammonium Sulphate Solution Electrodialysis Authors: I. Siminiceanu, and I.L. Cotet
8. Mathematical Model for the Estimation of Mass Transfer Coefficients at the Extraction of Thiols with Alkaline Solutions in Packed Columns Authors: Claudia-Irina Koncsag and Alina Barbulescu
9. Experimental Study of Behavior to Transfer of an Heat Exchanger “Pipe-in-Pipe” Type Authors: Delia Perju, M. Suta, Adina Cata, Harieta Pirlea
10. Modern Solutions for Monitoring and Control of Hydrotreated Diesel Oil Additivation Phase Authors: N. Paraschiv, D. Mihaescu
11. Photodegradation of Isoproturon in Water by Several Adavanced Oxidation Processes Authors: Bobu Maria Magdalena, Siminiceanu Ilie, Lundanes Elsa
12. Mannich Bases as Ligands: N,N’-tetra(antipyryl-4-methyl)-1,2- diaminoethane as hexadentate ligand toward Cu(II) Authors: Elena Maria Mosoarca, Ramona Tudose, Radostina Alexandrova, Otilia Costisor
13. Binuclear Complexes Containing Barbituric Derivatives as Ligands- Precursors for Supramolecular Structures. I. Synthesis and Spectral Properties of N,N’-bis-(5,5’-diethyl-barbituryl- 1-methyl)-piperazine (VEP) and its Copper(II) Complex Authors: Carmen Maria Bucovicean, Ramona Tudose and Otilia Costisor
14. Mononuclear and Binuclear Complexes Containing Barbituric Derivatives as Ligands-Precursors for Supramolecular Structures. II. Synthesis and Spectral Properties of Co(II) and Ni (II) Complexes Containing N,N’-bis-(5,5’-diethyl-barbituryl-1-methyl)-piperazine (VEP) as Ligand Authors: Carmen Maria Bucovicean, Wolfgang Linert, Otilia Costisor
15. New Heteronuclear Complexes in Cu(II)-VO(IV) System. Synthesis and Properties of Complexes Containing 4,4’- bipyridine and Oxalato Ion as Ligands Authors: Mihaela Vlad, I. Labadi and Otilia Costisor
16. Synthesis and Properties of New Oxovanadium (IV) –copper (II) Complexes Containing Sulfide and 4,4’- bipyridine as Ligands Authors: Mihaela Vlad, I. Labadi and Otilia Costisor
17. New Compound with Potential Liquid Crystal Properties. III. Synthesis, Characterization and Mesomorphic ordering of N,n’-bis-[4-(4’-octyloxy-benzoic)-ester-benzyliden-n-propyl]-piperazine Authors: Liliana Cseh, C. Csunderlik, Otilia Costisor
18. Evaluation of Environmental Impact Generated by Waste Deposition into a Romanian Urban Landfill Authors: Carmen Zaharia, Mioara Surpateanu and Matei Macoveanu
19. Influence of the Chemical Composition of Geothermal Waters on the Solid Deposits Appeared at Well 507 Utilization Authors: Mioara Sebeşan, Oana Stanasel, Aurel Iovi
20. Scale Prevention with Sodium Tripolyphosphate as Inhibitor Authors: Mioara Sebesan, Oana Stanasel, Aurel Iovi
21. Use of Dimensionally Stable Anodes for the Electrochemical Treatment of Textile Wastewaters Authors: M. Ihos, G. Bocea, A. Iovi
22. Comparative Study of As (III) Removal Efficiency from Water by Electrocoagulation and Conventional Coagulation Authors: Monica Ihos, Adina Negrea, Lavinia Lupa, Mihaela Ciopec, P. Negrea
23. Studies Concerning the Possibilities of Iron Recovery from Steel Slag, by Acid Extraction in HCl and HNO3 Authors: Adina Berbecea, A. Iovi, P. Negrea
24. Studies Concerning Some Phenolic Compounds Oxidation by Chlorine Dioxide in Water Solutions Authors: C. Bogatu, D. Botau, I. Vlaicu, Diana Chis, Dalila Marsavina, G. Mosoarca, A. Iovi
25. Influence of the Solution’s Matrix in Mercury Analysis through HG-AAS Authors: Mihaela Andoni, A. Iovi, P. Negrea, Lavinia Lupa, Anca Badescu
26. Studies Concerning the Heavy Metals Removal from Residual Waters Resulted from Thermal Zinc Coating Authors: Lavinia Lupa, A. Iovi, P. Negrea, Adina Negrea, Ileana Radu
27. Improvement Possibilities of Soil Quality Authors: Daniela Micu, Cristina Proca, Corb Ioana, Camelia Podaru, Georgeta Burtica
28. Evaluation of Limit-State-Functions by means of a Diffusion Model in the Risk Assessment of a Biodegradable Pollutant Discharge in a River Pathway Authors: G. Maria and C. Maria
29. Comparative Study Regarding the Water Treatment with Aluminium Bases Poly Chlorides Authors: Elena Cical, Georgeta Burtică, Lavinia Lupa
30. Influence of the Coagulation to the Quality of Treated Water and to the Turbidity Parameter Authors: Elena Cical, Georgeta Burtică, Mircea Mecea
31. Pesticides and Heavy Metals Determination in Marine Organisms from Black Sea Authors: Gabriela Stanciu, Magdalena Mititelu, Simona Gutaga
32. Study on Heavy Metal Accumulation Level of Soils from Zlatna Region Authors: Maria Popa, Maria Jitaru
33. Studies Concerning the Possibilities of Manganese Recovery from Steel Slag by HCl and HNO3 Extraction Authors: Adina Berbecea, A. Iovi, P. Negrea
34. Studies Concerning Physical and Chemical Features of Solid Residues from Metallurgical Industry Authors: Adina Berbecea, Aurel Iovi, Petru Negrea
35. Study Regarding the Process of Ammonia Ions Removal from Water Using the Ion Exchange Authors: Gabriela Brinzei, P. Negrea, Aurel Iovi, Adina Negrea
36. Studies Concerning the Quality of Underground Water from West Area of Romania. I. Nitrogen Inorganic Compounds Authors: Gabriela Brinzei, Petru Negrea, Aurel Iovi, Adina Negrea
37. Studies Concerning the Aluminium Ions Removal from Waste Water Authors: Adina Negrea, P. Negrea, Lavinia Lupa, Adriana Dinu, Georgeta Burtica
38. Studies Regarding Copper Recovery from Residual Solution on Naturals Zeolites Authors: Corina Orha, Maria Likarec (Bicanin), Rodica Pode, Georgeta Burtica
39. Studies about the Characterizations and Reuse of Some Sludge Resulted from Industry Authors: Lavinia Lupa, A. Iovi, P. Negrea, Adina Negrea, Daniela Zgura
40. Geochemical Studies about the Well 4058 from Sacuieni Authors: Oana Stanasel, Aurel Iovi and Gabriela Badea
41. Study of the Cleaning Process with Cadmium Ions from Residual Waters Authors: Georgeta Gavris, Georgeta Burtica, Aurel Iovi
42. Study of the Cleaning Process of the Waste Waters with Zinc Ions Content Authors: Georgeta Gavris, Mioara Sebesan, Aurel Iovi
43. Zinc Mobility from Polluted and Treated Soils with Pillared Materials due to Rain Water Authors: Masu Smaranda, Rus Valeria, Negrea Petru
Issues |
Articles in Press Chem. Bull. `POLITEHNICA` Univ. (Timisoara)
Volume 61(75), Issue 2, 2016 Chem. Bull. `POLITEHNICA` Univ. (Timisoara)
Volume 61(75), Issue 1, 2016 Chem. Bull. `POLITEHNICA` Univ. (Timisoara)
Volume 60(74), Issue 2, 2015 Chem. Bull. `POLITEHNICA` Univ. (Timisoara)
Volume 60(74), Issue 1, 2015 Chem. Bull. `POLITEHNICA` Univ. (Timisoara)
Volume 59(73), Issue 2, 2014 Chem. Bull. `POLITEHNICA` Univ. (Timisoara)
Volume 59(73), Issue 1, 2014 Chem. Bull. `POLITEHNICA` Univ. (Timisoara)
Volume 58(72), Issue 2, 2013 Chem. Bull. `POLITEHNICA` Univ. (Timisoara)
Volume 58(72), Issue 1, 2013 Chem. Bull. `POLITEHNICA` Univ. (Timisoara)
Volume 57(71), Issue 2, 2012 Chem. Bull. `POLITEHNICA` Univ. (Timisoara)
Volume 57(71), Issue 1, 2012 Chem. Bull. `POLITEHNICA` Univ. (Timisoara)
Volume 56(70), Issue 2, 2011 Chem. Bull. `POLITEHNICA` Univ. (Timisoara)
Volume 56(70), Issue 1, 2011 Chem. Bull. `POLITEHNICA` Univ. (Timisoara)
Volume 55(69), Issue 2, 2010 Chem. Bull. `POLITEHNICA` Univ. (Timisoara)
Volume 55(69), Issue 1, 2010 Chem. Bull. `POLITEHNICA` Univ. (Timisoara)
Volume 54(68), Issue 2, 2009 Chem. Bull. `POLITEHNICA` Univ. (Timisoara)
Volume 54(68), Issue 1, 2009 Chem. Bull. `POLITEHNICA` Univ. (Timisoara)
Volume 53(67), Issue 1 - 2, 2008 Chem. Bull. `POLITEHNICA` Univ. (Timisoara)
Volume 52(66), Issue 1 - 2, 2007 Chem. Bull. `POLITEHNICA` Univ. (Timisoara)
Volume 51(65), Item 1 - 2, 2006 Chem. Bull. `POLITEHNICA` Univ. (Timisoara)
Volume 50(64), Item 1 - 2, 2005 Chem. Bull. `POLITEHNICA` Univ. (Timisoara)
Articles in Press Chem. Bull. `POLITEHNICA` Univ. (Timisoara)